The Energy-Efficient Microsystems Lab will present four papers at ESSCIRC 2017:
- A sub-pW voltage reference generator, to be presented by Hui Wang
- A pW-level relaxation oscillator featuring a very low power current-reference generator, to be presented by Hui Wang
- A 4.5nW 400MHz wake-up receiver with -63.8dBm sensitivity, to be presented by Po-Han Wang (collaboration with Profs. Hall, Rebeiz, and Kim)
- A battery-connected wireless ion sensing system consuming 5.5nW of power, to be presented by Hui Wang (collaboration with Prof. Wang)
The EEMS Lab will also have a paper at BioCAS 2017 on the topic of coil design for mm-sized implantable systems, and at the IEEE Sensors summarizing state-of-the-art in low-power temperature sensors, including a dive into a pW-level temperature sensor recently implemented by the lab.