Prospective students and post-docs:
Research in the EEMS group requires individuals who combine creative thinking with a strong work ethic. Generally, individuals with a background in electrical engineering are preferred; however, due to the transdisciplinary nature of EEMS research, individuals with backgrounds in bioengineering, biomedical engineering, physics, medical devices, materials science, and nanoengineering who are passionate about research in energy-efficient biomedical and sensing/actuation systems are both welcomed and encouraged to apply.
We are always looking for talented individuals in the following positions:
- Undergraduate students: either as a part-time research volunteer during the school year, ECE 199 credit, or full time during the summer. A GPA greater 3.7 is typically necessary.
- Graduate students: M.S. and Ph.D. levels.
- Post doctoral scholars: Post doc applicants should be sure to provide a list of references when applying.
If you are interested in applying, please contact Prof. Mercier; be very specific in your email and include a PDF attachment of your CV. Due to the sheer number of applicants, we are unable to respond to all requests. Students are encouraged to "stand out" by explaining why the EEMS would be a good fit. In all cases, students who are able to secure their own funding (e.g. NSF) will be given top consideration.
More information about applying to graduate school at UCSD can be found here and some more advice on applying can be found here.
Current open positions:
We are always looking for talented people. If you meet the above criteria, please email Prof. Mercier.