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Four papers at ESSCIRC’17, one at BioCAS’17, and one at IEEE Sensors’17

The Energy-Efficient Microsystems Lab will present four papers at ESSCIRC 2017: A sub-pW voltage reference generator, to be presented by Hui Wang A pW-level relaxation oscillator featuring a very low power current-reference generator, to be presented by Hui Wang A

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Low-cost smart glove translates American Sign Language alphabet and controls virtual objects

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a smart glove that wirelessly translates the American Sign Language alphabet into text and controls a virtual hand to mimic sign language gestures. The device, which engineers call “The Language

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Near-zero-power temperature sensor could enable next-generation ‘unawearables’

Electrical engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a temperature sensor that runs on only 113 picowatts of power — 628 times lower power than the state of the art and about 10 billion times smaller than

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Prof. Mercier talks tech with Congressional staff in Washington, D.C.

In the wake of the March for Science, scientists and science supporters worldwide are actively seeking ways to connect and engage with their political representatives, in hopes of bridging the gap between science and public policy. Patrick Mercier, an electrical

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Three papers at ISSCC 2017!

Congratulations to Po-Han Wang, Haowei Jiang, Li Gao, Pinar Sen, and the UCSD N-ZERO team (including Drew Hall, Gabriel Rebiez, and Young-Han Kim) for their upcoming ISSCC paper describing a new ultra-low-power wake-up radio design. The paper is entitled “A

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Papers in JSSC, TBME, ESSCIRC, and the Proceedings of the IEEE

Congrats to Hui Wang, who had his work on low-power capacitive-discharging oscillators published in the June issue of the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.  The paper, which shows both pW and nW temperature-stabilized oscillators, can be found here. Further congrats

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UC San Diego, SDSU to Roll Out Research Platform to Improve Hearing-Aid Technologies

A team of engineers from the University of California San Diego and audiologists from San Diego State University has set out an ambitious timetable for delivering two new electronic platforms to dramatically improve and accelerate research on better hearing aids.

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Flexible Wearable Electronic Skin Patch Offers New Way to Monitor Alcohol Levels

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a flexible wearable sensor that can accurately measure a person’s blood alcohol level from sweat and transmit the data wirelessly to a laptop, smartphone or other mobile device. The device

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UC San Diego Inventions Gain $6-Million Venture-Capital Backing

“MouthSense” and “SmartFoam,” two new inventions by engineers in the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San Diego, have attracted funding from NextWave Venture Partners, a venture-capital firm specializing in the commercialization of early-stage technologies. “Developing imaginative

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Accelerating Design Times for High-Performance Systems-on-Chip

A team of computer scientists and electrical engineers from four U.S. universities have been awarded a joint project with nearly $5 million in funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Led by University of California San Diego computer-engineering

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Nature Comms Paper: A Hybrid Chemical-Electrophyiological Wearable Sensor

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed the first flexible wearable device capable of monitoring both biochemical and electric signals in the human body. The Chem-Phys patch records electrocardiogram (EKG) heart signals and tracks levels of lactate,

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New book available: Power Management Integrated Circuits

Power Management Integrated Circuits and Technologies delivers a modern treatise on mixed-signal integrated circuit design for power management. Comprised of chapters authored by leading researchers from industry and academia, this definitive text: Describes circuit- and architectural-level innovations that meet advanced

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Postdoctoral position available

We are currently looking for a postdoc fellow to work in the EEMS lab on projects pertaining to wearable sensors, electrochemical biosensors, implantable devices, and/or integrated circuit design.  We have a variety of projects available in the EEMS lab and the

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Prof. Mercier wins UCSD Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award

Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the UC San Diego Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award.  The prestigious award is bestowed upon faculty and graduate students to honor teaching excellence.  Recipients are selected for their creativity, innovative teaching methods, ability to

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A Mouthguard that Monitors your Health – Inside Science TV

The next time you visit the doctor for a checkup, they may not need a vial of your blood. A sample of your spit might be all your doctor needs.  Check out the following video from Inside Science TV from

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VLSI paper and 3 ISCAS papers

Congrats to Jiwoong Park, Hui Wang, and collaborative students from Prof. Cauwenberghs Lab, who will presenting the latest results in fully-on-chip regulating rectification at the VLSI Symposium in Honolulu, Hawaii in June 2016. Also, congrats to Hui Wang, Julian Warchall,

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Prof. Mercier wins DARPA Young Faculty Award

The Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)  hosted the Young Faculty Award Program (YFA) at DARPA in Arlington, Virginia.  The objective of the DARPA FYA Program, is to  identify and engage, rising research stars in junior faculty positions at academic and non-profit

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Congrats to Loai Salem and John Louie, who have a paper entitled “A Flying-Domain DC-DC Converter Powering a Cortex-M0 Processor with 90.8% Efficiency” accepted for publication at the 2016 edition of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference!  More details about this

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A multi-standard wireless power transmitter

Engineers develop a new technology for concurrently powering multiple devices that support different wireless standards San Diego, Calif., October 13, 2015 — A wireless charger that’s compatible with different consumer electronics from different brands is one step closer to becoming

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Prof. Mercier wins Beckman Young Investigator Award

Patrick Mercier is the first professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, San Diego to receive a Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Award from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. Mercier, the co-director of

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